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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 蛛形纲;Arachnida » 柄腹亚纲 » 蜘蛛目 » 幽灵蛛科 »

学名:Pholcus manueli
FEMALE.—Total length, 4.50 mm.Carapace white to dull yellow,with a large,divided, pale brown patch at themiddle, the eyes ringed with black. Integument of the carapace sparsely clothed witherect black hairs. Clypeus with two pale brown longitudinal stripes. Sternum andlabium dusky brown, the former with a central pale bar at the front margin and threepairs of distinct submarginal pale spots on each side. Maxillae somewhat dusky, thecoxae white. Clothing of the underside black hairs. Chelicerae pale brown, set withshort black hairs. Abdomen concolorous with the carapace,without definite pattern,the clothing short black hairs. Carapace suborbicular in outline as seen from above, the pars thoracica evenlyconvex,moderately high, the clypeus steeply sloping. Eyes elevated on a low tu-bercle.Ratio of the eyes: ALE:AME: PLE: PME= 12:8:12:12. First row ofeyes seen from in front weakly procurved, the upper margins forming a straight line,the medians separated by about one-fourth their diameter, one-half their diameterfrom the larger laterals. Clypeus equal in height to more than the width of the firsteye row (53/47). Posterior row of eyes moderately recurved, the medians separatedby more than the diameter (12/16), subcontiguous with the laterals. Lateral eyesof one side and the posterior median subcontiguous, forming a triad quadrangle broader than long (36/21), narrowed in front (36/17). Sternum broadlytruncated in front,truncated behind where the posterior coxae are separated byscarcely their length. Abdomen longer than broad,suboval,moderately high.Legs long, without spines, evenly clothed with rows of black hairs.MALE.—Total length, 4.50 mm.Coloration and structure in nearly complete agreement with the female. Eyetubercle more strongly elevated, clothed with short, erect, black hairs. Ratio of theeyes: ALE:AME:PLE:PME = 11 :7:11:11. First row of eyes weakly pro-curved, the medians separated by one-fourth their diameter (2/7), about their radiusfrom the lateral eyes (5/7). Posterior eye row very weakly recurved,essentiallystraight,the medians separated by more than the diameter (18/11). quadrangle broader than long (40/22), narrowed in front (40/18). Clypeus equal inheight to more then the width of the first eye row (65/50). Chelicera with a stoutblunt tooth near the apex. Trochanter with a pale curved spur which isdirected laterad.